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Instgram 是一套在iPhone上拍照跟分享的App....



傑佛瑞 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

剛在噗浪上朋友推薦的一個免費空間Box.Net,現在到台北時間 2012/03/24 2:00pm前,

使用Android 裝置登入後,就有免費50GB 空間可用,立馬去申請了一個來用...


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2012/04/04 UPDATE 此法已失效囉~~

Dropbox 官網論壇發佈的:

The official Dropbox 23GB HTC promotion will not start until sometime early this month, when the devices are released. To earn the extra 23GB of extra Dropbox space you will need to link your HTC Sense 4.0 device to your Dropbox account and complete “Get Started.”

The method to earn 23GB that is being circulated on the XDA Developers forum and on other blogs and forums is illegitimate. We plan to remove any space received using this method.

Downloading apps from unknown sources is not a good idea, as they might have been modified to include malicious code. We strongly recommend that you only install the Android Dropbox app via Google Play (formerly known as the the Android Market) or from official download links on Dropbox.com.

I hope this helps.



最近在網路上看到有蠻多人發表了可以讓Dropbox 多23GB使用空間的方法..

主要是使用HTC Sense 4.0登入Dropbox 就可以取得....

傑佛瑞 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



XDA 原PO http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1526831


這邊有中文說明 http://zakipush.blogspot.com/2012/03/runny-rom-v20-0305.html?showComment=1332067513537#c2210855881250477710

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這幾天要到Market更新軟體時,都會顯示 無法在USB儲存裝置中或SD卡中安裝,


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1.ASTRO File Manager 檔案總管軟體

2.Google Sky Map (Google 星象圖)

3.FREEDI 來電過濾 (設來電黑名單用)

4.i68 (超實用的高速公路監控軟體)

5.正妹計時器 http://www.arthur.com.tw/home/

6.Advanced Task Killer (工作管理員)

7.Bluetooth File Transfer (讓Google Phone可以透過藍芽傳檔)

8.SpacePhysic (益智遊戲)

9.導航王 (好用的導航軟體)

10.SPB TV Lite (看電視用的)

11.3D campass 電子羅盤

12.aCurrency 匯率

13.aTrackDog 自動找尋安裝的APP更新

14.VoiceGO! 賽微語音

15.Places Directory 本地通

16.Fring (整合MSN Skype的通訊軟體)

17.PhotoFunia (圖片編輯軟體)

18.Shazam (聽聲找歌)

19.黃曆快速查 (農民曆)

20.Key Ring Reward Cards (會員卡帶著走)

21.Battery Indicator (show 電池電量的軟體)

22. Camera 360

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